
About Us


Welcome to Apvea Punjab Union (R) Punjab. Apvea Punjab Union (R) Punjab is the only representative of all employees working in VTIs and PVTC. Apvea Punjab Union (R) Punjab is a voice of all PVTC and VTI Employees. Its major purpose is to resolve the conflicts between organization and employees. Allemployees of VTIs and PVTC are eligible to get the membership of Apvea Punjab Union (R) Punjab as per rules of Apvea Punjab Union (R) Punjab. Tireless commitment and leadership of Nawab Dr. Jamshaid Ali Khan,Chairman Supreme Council & Chief Organizer of Apvea Punjab Union (R) Punjab have been instrumental in advocating for the rights and welfare of pvtc and VTI employees. At present time, there are 186 VTIs in three regions south, central and north, 36 districts and 137 tehsils and the number of the employees male and females is 2300 approximately. representatives of employees are elected according to rules and regulation of Apvea Punjab Union (R) Punjab at every district level. Then they elect their bodies of central, southern and northern regions. All presidents of district and regional level elect the executive body all over Punjab in the month of December every year or on recommendations of supreme council of Apvea Punjab Union (R) Punjab. The Supreme Council looks after all matters of union. We believe in Unity, Faith and Discipline.